Seeing With New Eyes

Today’s walk wasn’t much different from the others I’ve made over the last week. The frost disappeared overnight. The sun was screened by a layer of blue-grey cloud. Two squirrels chided me from a branch high above my head. Chickadees sounded their alarms and nuthatches peeped. I stopped to take a photograph of a bur oak, one of my favourite trees. I thought about the day’s work and wondered what the week will bring.

But, for some reason, even though I’ve walked that path beside the lake a thousand times, it felt new this morning. Fresh. As if I’d never seen it before. I can’t explain why. Was it the light, the shadows on the snow, my need for a new prescription in my glasses? (I’m going for an eye examination tomorrow morning.) I have no idea. Something was different, though. I wonder what it was.

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