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Olot, Spain

Event details

2022-07-07 17:00
17:00 UTC

Can a playful walk in public spaces have political or artistic implications or make us experience a certain place as new? Can we give a new meaning to different spaces, everyday places, degraded or underestimated? As in the tourist tours where the guide leads the group of tourists, the participants in Bodysites will be guided through the city of Olot.  Throughout the itinerary there will be moments to experience the places traveled in a specific way based on psychophysical, performative and perceptual proposals. Narrative actions will create new experiences, new memories and new lived landscapes.

Duration: 2h 
Participants: 15 to 20 
Language: cat/engl
Material: notebook, pen  

Una caminada lúdica en espais públics pot comportar implicacions polítiques, artístiques o fer-nos experimentar un lloc determinat com a nou? Podem donar nous significats a espais quotidians, subestimats o degradats? Igual que en els tours turístics on la persona que guia condueix al grup de turistes, les persones participants a Bodysites es deixaran guiar per la ciutat d’Olot. Al llarg de l’itinerari hi haurà moments per experimentar els llocs transitats de forma específica a partir de propostes psicofísiques, performàtiques i perceptives. Les narra-accions aniran teixint noves experiències, noves memòries i nous paisatges viscuts.

Durada: 2h
Participants: 15 a 20
Material: llibreta i boli (possible material: auriculars per al mòbil)

Walking Arts and Relational Geographies

Conference · 45 items

Zoe Balasch

Zoe Balasch's research and creation projects include solo, collaborative and group pieces. She is specially interested in site-specific, either indoors or outdoors, in both rural and urban environments. Her proposals adopt different formats: choreographies...

Near Olot, Spain

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